Marjie Murdock

DESCRIPTION: "Shame shame shame Marjie Murdock, What a burning shame." "When the wedding come Marjie Murdock, You gie dem ginger-beer." "Me ask you fo' rum Marjie Murdock, Me ask you fo' rum." "When the wedding reach Marjie Murdock You run under bed!"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1954 (Elder-FolksongsFromTobago)
KEYWORDS: wedding accusation drink nonballad wife
FOUND IN: West Indies(Tobago)
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Elder-FolksongsFromTobago 1, "Marjie Murdock" (1 text, 1 tune)
NOTES [26 words]: Elder-FolksongsFromTobago: "Ginger-beer is a prestige beverage among the folk but at weddings it is not made to compete with drinks like rum and gin." - BS
Last updated in version 4.0
File: ElTO001

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