Morning Star

DESCRIPTION: "Morning star begin to rise Just before the break of day Children of God awake... I'm goin down by da morning train ... For da evenin' train shall be too late"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1899 (Barton-OldPlantationHymns)
KEYWORDS: nonballad religious
FOUND IN: US(SE) West Indies(Jamaica,Tobago)
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Elder-FolkSongAndFolkLifeInCharlotteville, p. 50, "Morning Star" (1 text, 1 tune)
Barton-OldPlantationHymns, pp. 33-34, "Git On the Evening Train" (1 text, 1 tune)
ADDITIONAL: Melvyn Lloyd Butler, _Songs of Pentecost: Experiencing Music, Transendence, and Identity in Jamaica and Haiti_ (Ph.D. Dissertation, New York University, 2005), #13, p. 393 "I Am Going Home on the Morning Train"

NOTES [49 words]: Barton-OldPlantationHymns has a "morning train" verse as well as an "evening train" verse but loses the "evening train will be too late" line. It adds verses "Gabriel's trumpet shall blow," "Let God's people get on board," "Swing low chariot swing low," and "Old Death is staying in the grave." - BS
Last updated in version 4.0
File: ElCh050A

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