I Can't Stay In Egypt Land
DESCRIPTION: Chorus: "Can't stay away (3x), Lord, I can't stay in Egypt land." Verses include "Tomorrow morning, baptism day,""My gospel's going from shore to shore," and "I looked at my feet, my feet looked new ... I swear by God I was running too"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1893 (Edwards-BahamaSongsAndStories)
KEYWORDS: nonballad religious floatingverses
FOUND IN: West Indies(Bahamas)
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Edwards-BahamaSongsAndStories 28, "I Can't Stay In Egypt Lan'" (1 text, 1 tune)
cf. "My Lord's Riding All the Time" (theme: this world is Egypt)
NOTES [55 words]: The description is based on the Edwards-BahamaSongsAndStories text. Each verse is a couplet, with "I cannot stay in the Egypt land" and "I can't stay in Egypt land" as the alternate lines to each couplet line. The verse not included in the description is "O sinne' man how can you stan'? ... My gospel goin' from shore to shore." - BS
Last updated in version 4.2
File: Edwa028
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