Turn Back and Pray

DESCRIPTION: "Pray leader, why don't you pray? Oh the pretty star shall be your guide, Turn back and pray." Verses include "Go down to the fountain if you're dry ... There you'll drink your full supply" and "Mary weep and Martha mourn ... Yes my Lord was crucified"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1893 (Edwards-BahamaSongsAndStories)
KEYWORDS: floatingverses nonballad religious Bible Jesus
FOUND IN: West Indies(Bahamas)
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Edwards-BahamaSongsAndStories 22, "Turn Back an' Pray" (1 text, 1 tune)
NOTES [89 words]: The description is based on the Edwards-BahamaSongsAndStories text. The verse is call and response, with "Turn back and pray" the response to each verse line. Floating verses include "The tallest tree in Paradise ... The Christians call it 'Tree of Life'" and "I was a mourner just like you ... Didn't I mourn till I got through." - BS
The reference to Mary weeping and Martha mourning is presumably to John, chapter 11, in which Lazarus of Bethany dies and his sisters Mary and Martha lament before Jesus shows up to revive Lazarus. - RBW
Last updated in version 4.2
File: Edwa022

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