Bracey on the Shore

DESCRIPTION: "It was of a young ssea captain, on Cranberry Isles did dwell, He took the schooner Arnold" and drove her aground. Various people have adventures aboard. They make a living smuggling. Captain Bracey is warned to stop drinking and chasing girls
AUTHOR: Mary Bulger Hamer (source: Eckstorm/Smyth-MinstrelsyOfMaine)
EARLIEST DATE: 1926 (Eckstorm/Smyth-MinstrelsyOfMaine)
KEYWORDS: ship sailor crime travel
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Eckstorm/Smyth-MinstrelsyOfMaine, pp. 332-334, "Bracey on the Shore" (1 text, tune referenced)
Lane/Gosbee-SongsOfShipsAndSailors, pp. 32-33, "Bracey on the Shote" (1 text, 1 tune)

cf. "Brennan on the Moor" [Laws L7] (tune)
File: EcSm332

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