Lords and Ladies All Bedene

DESCRIPTION: "Nowell, nowell, nowell, nowell, This said the angel Gabriel." "Lords and ladies all bedebe (=together), For your goodness and honour, I will sing all of queen." About the Annunciation. "Therefore be merr and let us sing, For this new Lord of Crhistmas"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: c. 1545 (Kele)
KEYWORDS: religious nonballad childbirth MiddleEnglish
REFERENCES (5 citations):
Greene-TheEarlyEnglishCarols, #256, p. 183, "(Lords and ladyes all bydene)" (1 text)
Rickert-AncientEnglishChristmasCarols, pp. 36-38, "A New Carol of Our Lady" (1 text)
Brown/Robbins-IndexOfMiddleEnglishVerse, #1984.5
DigitalIndexOfMiddleEnglishVerse #3257
ADDITIONAL: Edward Bliss Reed, editor, _Christmas Carols Printed in the Sixteenth Century Including Kele's Christmas carolles newely Inprynted reproduced in facsimile from the copy in the Huntington Library_, Harvard University Press, 1932, pp. 44-46 [26-28], "A new caroll of our lady" (1 text)

ST EPLaLAB (Partial)
NOTES [65 words]: Personally, I don't think this belongs in the Index. It has not been found in tradition. There is only one printed version, in Kele's collection, and several things in Kele seem to have been composed. Nor is it particularly good -- just another mundane retelling of parts of Luke 1. But Sandys for some reason decided to print it, and so I'm including it here, with my objection noted. - RBW
Last updated in version 5.3

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