Big Black Bull, The

DESCRIPTION: The big black bull comes down the mountain, spies a heifer, jumps the fence, jumps the heifer, then returns to the mountain.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1954 (recording, Pete Seeger)
KEYWORDS: animal bawdy humorous
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Cray-EroticMuse, pp. 195-198, "The Big Black Bull" (2 texts, 1 tune)
Roud #7612
Pete Seeger, "The Little Black Bull" (on PeteSeeger09, PeteSeegerCD02)
cf. "The Old Gray Mare (I) (The Old Gray Horse; The Little Black Bull)"
cf. "The Old Black Bull" (lyrics, form, theme)
Sam Houston
The Old Black Bull
NOTES [93 words]: This is related to the sea chanty, "A Long Time Ago." - EC [Known in this index as "The Old Gray Mare (I) (The Old Gray Horse; The Little Black Bull)" etc. Paul Stamler considers "The Old Gray Mare" group to be the "cleaned up" version of the bawdy song, and also notes that in some of the bawdy versions the bull "missed his mark and (phhfft) in the meadow." - RBW]
I would be inclined to lump "The Big Black Bull" (explicitly bawdy) and "The Old Black Bull" (same plot and form, but not as dirty) as one song, but I've followed Roud in splitting them. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.3
File: EM195

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