Discovery of Newfoundland
DESCRIPTION: "The shades of Eve were falling o'er Atlantic's silent breast Around the 'Cabot Landfall' the wavelets lay at rest." The singer describes the Irish who explored Newfoundland. "Pat O'Dady" complains that Cabot got the credit for an Irish discovery
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1927 (Doyle-OldTimeSongsAndPoetryOfNewfoundland, 1st edition)
KEYWORDS: Canada humorous home travel
1497- John Cabot's voyage
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Doyle-OldTimeSongsAndPoetryOfNewfoundland, "Discovery of Newfoundland (1 text): p. 72 in the 4th edition
Roud #7293
File: Doyl4072
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