My Little Soul's Going to Shine
DESCRIPTION: "I'm going to join the great association (x3), Then my little soul's going to shine, shine, Then my little soul's going to shine along." Other verses are shared with "Welcome Table." See notes
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1874 (Dett/Fenner/Rathbun/Cleveland-ReligiousFolkSongsOfTheNegro-HamptonInstitute)
KEYWORDS: floatingverses nonballad religious
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Dett/Fenner/Rathbun/Cleveland-ReligiousFolkSongsOfTheNegro-HamptonInstitute, p. 122, "I'm Gwine to Jine de Great 'Sociation (Oh, Den My Little Soul's Gwine to Shine)" (1 text, 1 tune; p. 173 in the 1874 edition)
Work-FolkSongOfTheAmericanNegro, pp. 56-57, "Oh, My Little Soul'S Going to Shine" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: J. B. T. Marsh, The Story of the Jubilee Singers (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1903 ("Digitized by Internet Archive")), #28 p. 185, "Shine, Shine" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #11955
cf. "Welcome Table" (floating verses)
NOTES [81 words]: Dett/Fenner/Rathbun/Cleveland-ReligiousFolkSongsOfTheNegro-HamptonInstitute has the "great association" verse, as well as "I'm going to climb up Jacob's ladder (climb up higher and higher, sit at the welcome table, feast of milk and honey, tell God how you serve me, join the big baptizing)." Work has "I'm going to tell God all my troubles," "Bury my body in the east of the garden." Marsh has "I'm going to sit at the welcome table (tell God about my trial, walk about that city)." - BS
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File: Dett122
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