Heaven Bell a-Ring

DESCRIPTION: "My Lord, my Lord, what shall I do? And a heaven bell ring and praise God." "What shall I do for a hiding place?" "I run to the sea, but the sea run dry." God's promises to the faithful are briefly summarized; listeners are advised to listen
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1867 (Allen/Ware/Garrison-SlaveSongsUnitedStates)
KEYWORDS: religious nonballad
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Allen/Ware/Garrison-SlaveSongsUnitedStates, p. 20, "Heaven Bell A-Ring" (1 text, 1 tune)
Darling-NewAmericanSongster, pp. 322-323, "Heaven Bell a-Ring" (1 text)

Roud #12065
cf. "Sinner Man" (lyrics)
File: DarNS32

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The Ballad Index Copyright 2024 by Robert B. Waltz and David G. Engle.