Star of the County Down, The

DESCRIPTION: Near Banbridge town, the singer sees a "sweet colleen." He is instantly smitten with the beauty of "the star of the Country Down." He makes plans to pursue her, and dreams of life with her
AUTHOR: unknown (credited to Cathal McGarvey [1866-1927] by Colm O'Lochlainn)
EARLIEST DATE: 1936 (Irish Country Songs)
KEYWORDS: love courting clothes
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Roud #4801
cf. "Dives and Lazarus" [Child 56] (tune)
cf. "The Banks of Newfoundland (I)" [Laws K25] (tune)
cf. "When a Man's in Love" [Laws O20] (tune)
cf. "The Wreck of the Gwendoline" (tune)
cf. "The Colleen from Coolbaun" (tune)
Dives and Lazarus (File: C056)
The Wreck of the Gwendoline (File: OLcM257)
The Banks of Newfoundland (I) [Laws K25] (File: LK25)
When a Man's in Love [Laws O20] (File: LO20)
The Colleen from Coolbaun (File: RcTCofCo)
File: DTstardo

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The Ballad Index Copyright 2024 by Robert B. Waltz and David G. Engle.