Ye Cannae Shove Yer Granny Aff a Bus

DESCRIPTION: "Oh, ye cannae shove yer granny aff a bus (x2), Oh ye cannae shove yer granny, For she's yer mammie's mammie, Oh ye cannae...." Song continues with those you can shove off, e.g. "Ye can shove your Auntie Maggie aff a bus... she's naethin but a twister"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1964 (RItchie, Singing Street)
KEYWORDS: humorous family injury
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland)
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Roud #20188
cf. "She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain" (tune) and references there
Your Grannie and Your Other Grannie
NOTES [88 words]: This does not seem to appear in many collections -- perhaps collectors didn't want to print it, or informants didn't want to sing it. But it's well enough known that, in 2012, someone put out a game, "You Cannae Push Yer Granny Off The Bus" (so spelled). There is also a book by Allan Morrison, Ye Cannae Shove Yer Granny Aff a Bus: Scots Grandchildren on Their Grannies. It quotes two verses of this song, but it's mostly a collection of quotes from children. I mention it only because it shows how well-known this song is. - RBW
Last updated in version 5.0
File: DTgranbu

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