By the Dry Cardrona
DESCRIPTION: "I can tell where cherries grow, By the dry Cardrona, Where I picked them long ago, On a day when I was sober." His mother died of sorrow, because "I was never sober." His love marries another man. He asks to be buried by the dry Cardrona, drunk or sober
AUTHOR: Words: James K. Baxter (1926-?) / different tunes set by James McNeish and by D. Tomms
EARLIEST DATE: 1967 (Bailey/Roth-ShantiesByTheWay-NZ)
KEYWORDS: drink courting rejection death burial river New Zealand
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Bailey/Roth-ShantiesByTheWay-NZ, pp. 153-154, "By the Dry Cardrona" (1 text, 1 tune -- the McNeish melody)
Garland-FacesInTheFirelight-NZ, pp. 241-242, "(By the Dry Cardrona)" (1 text)
File: DTcardro
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