Mother, Queen of my Heart

DESCRIPTION: The singer recalls leaving home and mother and taking up gambling. One day, "I had bet all my money... I needed one card to beat them and that card was a queen." The card shows his mother; she reminds him of what is right and he gives up gambling
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1932 (recording, Jimmie Rodgers)
KEYWORDS: cards gambling mother warning
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Peters-FolkSongsOutOfWisconsin, p. 258, "Mother, Queen of My Heart" (1 text, 1 tune)

Roud #9708
Jimmie Rodgers, "Mother, the Queen of My Heart" (Victor 23721, 1932; Bluebird B-5080/Electradisk 2008/Sunrise S-3167/Montgomery Ward M-4201, 1933; Victor 20-6408 [w. the Rainbow Ranch Boys overdubbed], 1956; HMV [UK] HR10137 [w. the Rainbow Ranch Boys overdubbed], n.d.; overdubs rec. 1955)
File: DTMQHrt

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