Christ-Child's Lullaby, The

DESCRIPTION: Gaelic. A lullaby for the baby Jesus. The singer (presumably Mary) describes the child's beauty, admits her role in great events, and praises the "white sun of hope"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1909 (Kennedy-Fraser/MacLeod-SongsOfTheHebrides)
KEYWORDS: lullaby Jesus religious nonballad foreignlanguage
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Hebr))
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Kennedy-Fraser/MacLeod-SongsOfTheHebrides I, pp. 28-30, "The Christ-Child's Lullaby (Taladh Chriosta)" (1 text+2 slightly different translations, 1 tune)

NOTES [62 words]: It is not clear whether this is Scots or Irish Gaelic in origin. Kennedy-Fraser/MacLeod-SongsOfTheHebrides's version, from Eriskay with words from Allan Macdonald, is obviously Scots. The Digital Tradition version is said to be a translation by Seamus Ennis from Irish Gaelic.
The various translations have achieved some popularity in English based on the beautiful tune. - RBW
File: DTChrilu

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