I Used to Call Her Baby
DESCRIPTION: "My father was a widower and we lived all alone," so the young man goes out to court a girl. "I used to call her baby, She seemed like a baby to me." So he takes her home. "That's when I lost my Baby, for Dad had coin you see," so she marries the father
AUTHOR: Howard Johnson, Murray Roth, and Cliff Hess (source: sheet music)
EARLIEST DATE: 1919 (sheet music)
KEYWORDS: love courting betrayal father marriage
Brian Hawkins, "I Used to Call Her Baby" (Fragment: Piotr-Archive #711, recorded 10/11/2023)
NOTES [44 words]: Sort of a version of "I'm My Own Grandpa," with half the plot left out. But this song is almost three decades earlier.
The Brian Hawkins version drops much of the original song, but manages to retain all the essentials of the plot. It's probably funnier, too. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.7
File: DPio711
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