Good Morning Sky, Good Morning Sun
DESCRIPTION: "Good morning, sky; Good morning, sun; Good morning, little winds that run!" The child also greets the birds, trees, bees. The child is now awake and will soon come out to play
AUTHOR: Fannie R. Buchanan (source: several non-scholarly web sites; at least one calls the author "Fennie")
KEYWORDS: children nonballad | morning
Diane McCafferty, "Good Morning" (Piotr-Archive #609, recorded 07/08/2023)
NOTES [55 words]: Almost every version of this I found online was in an educational context (typically as part of a worksheet children could use to analyze the song), so I presume it comes out of schools, but I don't have absolute proof. All the versions seem to be quite new; I'm surprised that Derek Piotr's informant learned it from her mother. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.7
File: DPio609
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