Atirei o Pau No Gato
DESCRIPTION: Portuguese song about a cat: "Atirei o pau no gato, Mas o gato não morreu, Dona Chica admirou-se, Do berro, do berro que o gato deu, Miau!" The singer throws a stick at a cat, but it is not killed. Mrs. Chica is frightened; the cat meows
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 2006 (recording, Galinha Pintadinha)
KEYWORDS: foreignlanguage animal abuse injury | cat
Matthew Delia-Lôbo, "Atirei o Pau No Gato" (Piotr-Archive #395, recorded 12/18/2022)
Jackson DeSouza and family, "Atirei o Pau No Gato" (Piotr-Archive #501, recorded 02/23/2023)
Lyster Periotto, "Atirei o Pau No Gato" (Piotr-Archive #405, recorded 01/02/2023)
NOTES [59 words]: This is listed as a Portuguese (Brazilian) folksong, but almost every internet reference is to a 2006 recording by a cartoon chicken, "Galinha Pintadinha." The fact that Derek Piotr picked up three versions in the English-speaking world caused me to include it, since some of these versions claim to have been learned before 2006 -- but I wonder.... - RBW
Last updated in version 6.7
File: DPio395
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