Mommy Moon
DESCRIPTION: "The day is past and gone and what is done is done, If you ain't done your best you'll be the suffering one. Oh, Mommy Moon... get up in the morning fit to do your best. Oh, Mommy Moon, the sun's coming up pretty soon."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 2002 (Derek Piotr Archive)
KEYWORDS: nonballad | sleep sun moon
Patricia Campbell, "Mommy Moon" (Fragment: Piotr-Archive #238, recorded 09/05/2022)
NOTES [35 words]: This sounds like a fragment of a pop song. But I can find no trace of it. (The tune as sung by Patricia Cambell does not sound like a lullaby.) Presumably there has been a lot of mis-remembering along the way. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.7
File: DPio238
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