Is This Not the Land of Beulah?

DESCRIPTION: "I am dwelling on a mountain, Where the golden sunlight gleams...." "Is not this the land of Beulah? Blessed, blessed land of light; Where the flowers bloom forever, And the sun is always bright?" The crosses of life are not heavy; the reward is great
AUTHOR: Words: possibly William Hunter and/or Harriet Warner Re Qua / Music: probably J. W. Dadmun (source:
EARLIEST DATE: 1881 (Gems of Gospel Song, as shown at
KEYWORDS: religious nonballad | Beulah
Charlie Glenn, Shirley Glenn, "Is Not This the Land of Beulah?" (Fragment: Piotr-Archive #191, recorded 06/06/2022)
cf. "Dwelling in Beulah Land" (lyrics)
NOTES [116 words]: The name "Beulah," used in Isaiah 62:4, means "married"; it isn't really an appropriate name for a country, but this is not evident from the King James Version. For more background on the usage of the name, see the notes to "Beulah Land (I)." - RBW
This shares a number of lines with "Dwelling in Beulah Land," e.g. "I am dwelling on a mountain" and "I am drinking at the fountain." There are too many such lines for coincidence to be likely, yet the overall similarity is rather slight; it doesn't appear either song was a copy of the other. Rather, "Is This Not the Land of Beulah?" -- which appears to be the older of the two -- was probably a minor inspiration for "Dwelling in Beulah Land." - RBW
Last updated in version 6.7
File: DPio191

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