All Day, All Night, Merriam

DESCRIPTION: "All day, all night, Merriam, Sitting by the roadside digging sand, All day, all night, Merriam, Sitting by the roadside catching man. Sound bay gal don't eat at all, they buy their crayfish, Sound bay gal don't eat good food...."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1976 (Courlander)
KEYWORDS: food courting nonballad
REFERENCES (1 citation):
ADDITIONAL: Harold Courlander, _A Treasury of Afro-American Folklore_, Crown Publishers, 1976, p. 112, "All Day, All Night, Marriam" (1 short text)
NOTES [43 words]: One of the so-called "folk" songs my parents sang in the 1960s was "All day, all night, Mary Ann, Down by the seashore sifting sand." It's pretty clear that that was derived from this, although heavily cleaned up. I don't know how the adaption came about. - RBW
Last updated in version 3.4
File: Crld112

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