Cold Water Song

DESCRIPTION: "I asked a sweet robin one evening in May" what he sang about. "I am only a-singing the cold water song. Teetotal's the very first word of my lay ... All the birds to the cold water army belong"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1960 (Creighton-FolksongsFromSouthernNewBrunswick)
KEYWORDS: drink lullaby bird
FOUND IN: Canada(Mar)
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Creighton-FolksongsFromSouthernNewBrunswick 82, "Cold Water Song" (1 text, 1 tune)
ST CrSNB082 (Partial)
Roud #2767
NOTES [36 words]: Creighton-FolksongsFromSouthernNewBrunswick states that this song has been collected twice in the Maritimes as a lullaby, which is an interesting end for an anti-alcohol song. Creighton thinks it comes from Britain. - BS
File: CrSNB082

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