DESCRIPTION: The singer describes the mountain stream and thinks of happier days. Wherever he travels he will think about this stream. "Thy course and mine alike have been Both restless, rocky, seldom green"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1824 (_Cork Constitution_, according to Croker-PopularSongsOfIreland)
KEYWORDS: lyric river
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Croker-PopularSongsOfIreland, pp. 189-191, "Glashen-Glora" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: Edward Hayes, The Ballads of Ireland (Boston, 1859 (reprint of 1855 London edition)), Vol I, pp. 51-52, "Glashen-Glora"
NOTES [63 words]: Croker-PopularSongsOfIreland: "This lyric originally appeared with the signature W---.... 'Glashen-glora,' adds the author, 'is a mountain torrent, which finds its way into the Atlantic Ocean through Glengariff, in the west of this count (Cork).' The Editor may add that the name, literally translated, signifies 'the noisy green water:' glas, green; en, water; glorach, noisy." - BS
File: CrPS189
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