Carrigaline Goalers Defeated, The

DESCRIPTION: "For ages hold on record Kinalea with ecstacy ... defeating with the greatest bravery The goalers that were famed upon the banks of Onnabuoy" The crowd, predictions of the outcome and newspaper reports are described, but not the contest.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1829 (Cork broadside, according to Croker-PopularSongsOfIreland)
KEYWORDS: pride sports Ireland
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Croker-PopularSongsOfIreland, pp. 155-158, "The Carrigaline Goalers Defeated" (1 text)
cf. "The Roving Journeyman" (tune, according to Croker-PopularSongsOfIreland)
cf. "Bold Thady Quill" (subject of hurling) and references there
cf. "The Victorious Goalers of Carrigaline and Kilmoney" (subject of hurling, plus these particular games)
NOTES [55 words]: Croker-PopularSongsOfIreland: "A reply to the preceding song ["The Victorious Goalers of Carrigaline and Kilmoney"], on the defeat of the aforesaid 'Victorious Goalers of Carrigaline and Kilmoney,' by a party belonging to Tracton, a neighboring district, which match appears to have been played in the ensuing spring [1829]." - BS
File: CrPS155

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