Prince Edward Island Murder
DESCRIPTION: William Millman was "his mother's hope and joy" He "led [Mary Tuplin] astray," then murders her and sinks her body in the river with a heavy stone. The body is discovered and Millman executed on the gallows.
AUTHOR: Mrs. C. A. Barron? (Barren?)
EARLIEST DATE: 1928 (Shay-BarroomBallads/PiousFriendsDrunkenCompanions)
KEYWORDS: seduction execution homicide mother punishment prison lover
Jun 28, 1887 - Murder of Mary Tuplin by William Millman
1888 - Execution of Millman
FOUND IN: Canada(Newf)
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Creighton-SongsAndBalladsFromNovaScotia 140, "Prince Edward Island Murder" (1 text, 1 tune)
Peacock, pp. 643-644, "Young Melvyn" (1 text, 1 tune)
Shay-BarroomBallads/PiousFriendsDrunkenCompanions, pp. 217-219, "The Millman Tragedy" (1 text)
ST CrNS140 (Partial)
Roud #1837
Charlotte Decker, "Young Melvyn" (on PeacockCDROM) [one verse only]
cf. "The Millman Song" (subject)
cf. "The Murder of Mary Tuplin" (subject)
cf. "The Millman and Tuplin Song" (subject)
NOTES [174 words]: This song is item dF59 in Laws's Appendix II.
Roud has at least five different numbers for this event:
Roud #1837: Creighton-SongsAndBalladsFromNovaScotia 140, "Prince Edward Island Murder" [Laws dF59]
Roud #4129: Doerflinger-SongsOfTheSailorAndLumberman, pp. 285-286, "The Millman Song" (also Ives-DriveDullCareAway-PrinceEdwardIsland, pp. 180-181, "The Millman Murder Trial") [LawsdF60]
Roud #9179: Ives-DriveDullCareAway-PrinceEdwardIsland, pp. 46-47, "The Millman and Tuplin Song" (also Manny/Wilson-SongsOfMiramichi 50, "Young Millman")
Roud #9552: Shea, pp. 174-179, "The Millman Tragedy"
Roud #12463: Dibblee/Dibblee-FolksongsFromPrinceEdwardIsland pp. 72-73, "The Murder of Mary Tuplin" - BS
In the Peacock/Decker version, "Millman" has become "Melvyn" (an easy error of hearing), but the song is clearly this.
Creighton's informant Ben Henneberry said the song was by "Mrs. C. A. Barren" of Halifax. Shay says Mrs. C. A. Barron. I've tentatively listed the former spelling first on the grounds that Henneberry was relying on memory.- RBW
Last updated in version 4.2
File: CrNS140
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