Tom Cornealy
DESCRIPTION: Tom ships on board the Lighter Home, bound to Labrador. "At last we reached that awful land Where the snow and ice was beating" and head north to Ungava "Up in the Arctic Ocean ... the salmon was so thick" but all we found were starving "huskies"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1950 (Creighton-MaritimeFolkSongs)
KEYWORDS: fishing ordeal sea ship Eskimo
FOUND IN: Canada(Mar,Newf)
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Creighton-MaritimeFolkSongs, p. 188, "Tom Cornealy" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #2716
Tom Cornelly(?), "Trip to the North Pole" (on MUNFLA/Leach)
NOTES [13 words]: The MUNFLA/Leach singer may also be the Creighton-MaritimeFolkSongs singer. - BS
File: CrMa188
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