When I Go Up to Shinum Place

DESCRIPTION: "When I go up to shinum place" there will be red, white and black men. "There is no need of wigwam there, He send his angels to take care, And Jesus good and kind"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1961 (Creighton-MaritimeFolkSongs)
KEYWORDS: nonballad religious Jesus Indians(Am.)
FOUND IN: Canada(Mar)
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Creighton-MaritimeFolkSongs, p. 171, "When I Go Up to Shinum Place" (1 text, 1 tune)
Pottie/Ellis-FolksongsOfTheMaritimes, p. 82, "When I Go Up to Shinum Place" (1 text, 1 tune)

Roud #2728
cf. "The Little Indian Maid" (theme)
cf. "Indian Hymn" (theme)
NOTES [21 words]: See "Indian Hymn" for similar phrases. - BS
Presumably the title of this piece is a patronizing corruption of "shining." - RBW
Last updated in version 5.0
File: CrMa171

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