Bump Me into Parliament
DESCRIPTION: "Listen all kind friends of mine, I want to move a motion, To make an El Dorado here... Bump me into Parliament... On next election day." The singer says he is clever; some can talk for an hour, but "I can talk forever." He offers other odd justifications
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1951 (Bollinger & Grange, Kiwi Youth Sings [sic.], according to Cleveland-NZ-GreatNewZealandSongbook)
KEYWORDS: political humorous nonballad
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Cleveland-NZ-GreatNewZealandSongbook, pp. 87-88, "Bump Me into Parliament" (1 text, 1 tune)
Ward-PenguinBookOfAustralianBallads, pp. 238-239, "Bump Me Into Parliament" (1 text)
cf. "Yankee Doodle" (tune) and references there
File: Clev087
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