Snowed In

DESCRIPTION: "When I heard Australian shearers talk, in good old days gone by, Of being snowed in in Maoriland, I used to wonder why." A Maori girl agreed to marry him -- until he ran out of money. He is not ready for conditions along the Condamine
AUTHOR: "The Wanderer" (Mick Laracy?) (source: Garland-FacesInTheFirelight-NZ)
EARLIEST DATE: 1900 ("The Wanderer," according to Mike Harding, _When the Pakeha Sings of Home: A Source Guide to the Folk & Popular Songs of New Zealand_)
KEYWORDS: New Zealand sheep travel money courting rejection home
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Cleveland-NZ-GreatNewZealandSongbook, p. 46, "Snowed In" (1 text, 1 tune)
Garland-FacesInTheFirelight-NZ, p. 157, "(Snowed In)" (1 text)

cf. "Oh! Susanna" (tune) and references there
File: Clev046

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