Good Old Yankee Doodle, The (For the Fourth of July)
DESCRIPTION: "Yankee Doodle is the name some Yankee chap invented To sing on Independence Day to make us feel contented." The Mormons find it "convenient" to sing the song on Independence Day. Mormons are spreading. Some want to change the Constitution to stop them
AUTHOR: George W. Johnson?
EARLIEST DATE: 1882 (George W. Johnson, Jottings by the Way, according to Fife/Fife-SaintsOfSageAndSaddle)
KEYWORDS: derivative humorous | Mormon Yankee Doodle
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Fife/Fife-SaintsOfSageAndSaddle, pp. 331-332, "The Good Old Yankee Doodle" (1 text)
Cheney-MormonSongs, pp. 185-186, "The Good Old Yankee Doodle" (1 text, tune referenced)
Roud #10877
cf. "Yankee Doodle" (tune) and references there
File: ChMS185
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