Our Ain Mountain Hame

DESCRIPTION: "Come all ye feeling faithful Saints who've crossed the prairie drear," get ready, those who are in Zion must prepare for those who are coming, the young and old and widows. They and others "Will come to see her glory in our ain mountain hame"
AUTHOR: John Lyon (source: Cheney-MormonSongs)
EARLIEST DATE: 1923 (Songs of a Pioneer, according to Cheney-MormonSongs); reportedly written in 1855
KEYWORDS: home travel | Mormon
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Cheney-MormonSongs, pp. 59-60, "Our Ain Mountain Hame" (1 text)
Roud #10827
NOTES [38 words]: Don't ask me why the only dialect words in this whole song are "ain" and "hame." The obvious thought is that the (verbose) author was just a lousy writer, but I would not exclude the possibility that he was parodying something. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.6
File: ChMS059

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