Charlie Chaplin Went to France

DESCRIPTION: "Charlie Chaplin went to France, To teach the girls (the hula) dance, A heel, a toe, around we go. Salute to the captain, Bow to the queen, Touch the bottom of the submarine." Others (Betty Grable, Shirley Temple, Marco Polo) may replace Chaplin
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1970 (Carey)
KEYWORDS: playparty travel dancing | Charlie Chaplin Betty Grable Marco Polo Shirley Temple
FOUND IN: US(MA,Ro,SW) Ireland New Zealand
REFERENCES (6 citations):
Carey-MarylandFolkloreAndFolklife, p. 80, "(no title)" (1 short text)
Solomon-ZickaryZan, p. 102, "Marco Polo" (1 text, basically this although it's Marco Polo, not Charlie Chaplin, who does the travelling)
Ainsworth-JumpRopeVerses, #48, "(Betty Grable went to France)"; #124, "(Shirley Temple went to France)"; #141, "(Charlie Chapman went to France)" (3 texts, which AInsworth links to "I'm a Little Dutch Girl" but are clearly this)
Sutton-Smith-NZ-GamesOfNewZealandChilden/FolkgamesOfChildren, p. 112, (Charlie Chaplin went to France)" (1 text); p. 118, "(Charlie Chaplin Went to France)" (1 text)
Brady-AllInAllIn, pp. 54-55, "(Charlie Chaplin went to France)" (2 texts, 1 tune); p. 85, "(Charlie Chaplin went to France)" (1 text)
Abrahams-JumpRopeRhymes, #65, "Charlie Chaplin went to France" (1 text)

Roud #19102
cf. "Charlie Chaplin Sat on a Pin" (subject of Chaplin)
cf. "The Moon Shines Bright on Charlie Chaplin" (subject of Chaplin)
cf. "Charlie Chaplin Came to Duluth" (subject of Chaplin)
cf. "Charlie Chaplin Has Big Feet" (subject of Chaplin)
cf. "Charlie Chaplin Washing Up" (subject of Chaplin)
cf. "Charlie Chaplin Went to War" (subject of Chaplin)
cf. "Shirley Temple Walks Like This" (subject of Chaplin in some versions)
cf. "Here Comes the Teacher" (lyrics)
cf. "The King of England Went to France" (lyrics)
Benjamin Franklin Went to France
Donald Duck Went to France
NOTES [67 words]: I don't know if it's significant to the history of this song, or any of the other Charlie Chaplin songs, but according to John Mullen, The Show Must Go On! Popular Song in Britain during the First World War, French edition 2012; English edition, Ashgate, 2015, p. 58, an imitator of Charlie Chaplin was a typical feature of the divisional entertainments staged by British troops during World War I. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.8
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