Kansas Fool, The
DESCRIPTION: "We have the land to raise the wheat, And everything that's good to eat." "Oh, Kansas fool (x2), The banker makes of you a tool.... But twelve cent corn gives me alarm And makes me want to sell my farm." The singer complains of hard times and bankers
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1891 (Alliance and Labor Songster, according to Cohen)
KEYWORDS: home derivative farming
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Cohen-AmericanFolkSongsARegionalEncyclopedia2, p. 499, "Kansas Fool" (1 text)
Lingenfelter/Dwyer/Cohen-SongsOfAmericanWest, pp. 476-477, "The Kansas Fool" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #4899
cf. "Beulah Land" (tune, form) and references there
NOTES [18 words]: Roud lumps a great many "Beulah Land" parodies under his #4899, but this seems clearly a distinct item. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.6
File: CAFS2500
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