Aaron Hart
DESCRIPTION: "It was in eighteen and eighty in the first part of that date... When little Aaron Hart so still he went away." "He seemed to be determined to follow Willie home," but is lost. Singer F. B. Harris and others hunt for him, but he dies in the woods
AUTHOR: F. B. Harris?
EARLIEST DATE: 1950 (Morris-FolksongsOfFlorida)
KEYWORDS: death separation children
1880 - Death of Aaron Hart, who was not yet four
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Morris-FolksongsOfFlorida, #59, "Aaron Hart" (1 text)
Cohen-AmericanFolkSongsARegionalEncyclopedia1, pp. 321-322, "Aaron Hart" (1 text)
Roud #4146
NOTES [7 words]: This is item dG48 in Laws's Appendix II. - RBW
Last updated in version 3.7
File: CAFS1321
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