She Was Bred in Old Kentucky
DESCRIPTION: "As a lad I sat one day in a cottage far away... For my Sue with blushes red had just promised we would wed... She was bred in old Kentucky, where the meadow grass is blue." Her mother tells the singer he's lucky; many years later, he still agrees
AUTHOR: Harry Braisted and Stanley Carter (source: Spaeth, A History of Popular Music in America)
EARLIEST DATE: 1898 (source: Spaeth)
KEYWORDS: love courting mother
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Browne-AlabamaFolkLyric 91, "She Was Bred in Old Kentucky" (1 text plus an excerpt and mention of 2 more, 2 tunes)
Jolly-Miller-Songster-5thEd, #115, "She Was Bred in Old Kentucky" (1 text)
Roud #4973
NOTES [69 words]: Spaeth, who gives a short history of this song (A History of Popular Music in America, p. 293), notes that it was popular with parodists, who paired the line "She was bre(a)d in old Kentucky" with lines such as "She was cake in New Orleans." This is hardly surprising; although the plot of the song is not any worse than any other wasn't-I-lucky-to-marry-her song, the lyrics are little better than doggerel. - RBW
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File: Brne091
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