Hush! Here Comes a Whizz-Bang
DESCRIPTION: "Hush! here comes a whizz-bang (x2)! Now, you soldiers, get down those stairs, Down in your dugouts and say your prayers. Hush! here comes a whizz-bang, And it's making straight for you" and the listener will end up in No Man's Land if it hits
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1931 (Brophy/Partridge-TommiesSongsAndSlang)
KEYWORDS: soldier war injury
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Brophy/Partridge-TommiesSongsAndSlang, p. 54, "Hush! Here comes a Whizz-Bang" (1 text)
Arthur-WhenThisBloodyWarIsOver, p. 71, "Hush! Here Comes a Whizz-Bang" (1 text, tune referenced)
Roud #10527
cf. "Hush! Here Comes the Dream Man" (tune)
NOTES [63 words]: Whizz-bangs were small shells fired by field artillery. Unlike large shells, they were fired at short range and on a low trajectory, so there was none of the sound of a large shell coming in at terminal velocity (which was much slower than the speed of sound). Whizz-bang shells arrived quickly -- at most, a short whistle (the "whizz") and then the explosion (the "bang"). - RBW
Last updated in version 6.6
File: BrPa054B
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