I Wore a Tunic
DESCRIPTION: "I wore a tunic, dirty khaki tunic, And you wore civilian clothes, We fought and bled at Loos When you were on the booze, The booze that no one here knows. Oh, you were with the wenches While we were in the trenches...."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1931 (Brophy/Partridge-TommiesSongsAndSlang)
KEYWORDS: soldier hardtimes clothes drink
Sep 25-Oct 8, 1915 - Battle of Loos, in which the British Army (which for the first time has brought in many short-term volunteers) fails to break the German lines in a major offensive. British commander Sir John French afterward is replaced as British commander by Douglas Haig, which is about as disastrous a choice as making the offensive was
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Brophy/Partridge-TommiesSongsAndSlang, p. 47, "I Wore a Tunic" (1 text)
Arthur-WhenThisBloodyWarIsOver, p. 75, "I Wore a Tunic" (1 text, tune referenced)
Roud #10505
cf. "I Wore a Tulip" (i.e. "When You Wore a Tulip"?) (tune) and references there
File: BrPa047B
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