Adieu, False Heart
DESCRIPTION: "Adieu, false heart, since we must part, May the joys of the world go with you." The singer says (he) thought (him)self too good for her. She proudly says that "You are very much mistaken" if he thinks she loves him and/or says she will go to her grave
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1952 (collected from Bessie James Totty by Boswell)
KEYWORDS: love death rejection floatingverses
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Wolfe/Boswell-FolkSongsOfMiddleTennessee 73, pp. 119-120, "Adieu, False Heart" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #11042
Arthur Smith Trio (Fiddlin' Arthur Smith), "Adieu False Heart" (Bluebird 7651)
cf. "Farewell He" (subject) and references there
cf. "The Curragh of Kildare" (lyrics)
False Love
File: BoWo073
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