Il Faut Aller en Guerre (To War We Must Go)
DESCRIPTION: French. "We must go to war / Drink, then we'll go.". Soldier, leaving for war, visits his sweetheart. He finds her weeping; he asks why she is weeping, and she tells him it's because he's leaving. He tells her it's true. "We must drink, and then go."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1946 (Berry-FolkSongsOfOldVincennes)
KEYWORDS: foreignlanguage grief love war parting drink lover soldier
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Berry-FolkSongsOfOldVincennes, p. 70, "Il faut aller en guerre (To War We Must Go)" (1 text + translation, 1 tune)
For all its potential tragedy, this sounds more like a drinking song. - PJS
File: BerV070
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