Winnie MacNeil
DESCRIPTION: George O'Quinn courts Winnie MacNeil. He is at a loss for what to do when she is not around. Finally he goes to see her and he can't stop kissing her. He says let's appoint "our wedding day" in "John Dan's hay"
AUTHOR: Paul E. Hall (according to Szwed and Bennett/Downey-JeromeJustOneMoreSong)
EARLIEST DATE: 1971 (Szwed)
KEYWORDS: courting love sex humorous youth
FOUND IN: Canada(Newf)
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Bennett/Downey-JeromeJustOneMoreSong 22, pp. 136-139, "Winnie MacNeil" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: John F. Szwed, "Paul E. Hall: A Newfoundland Song-Maker And His Community of Song" in Folksongs and Their Makers (Bowling Green: Bowling Green University Popular Press, n.d.[Bennett has the date as 1971; I've seen 1970 through 1972 as a publication date mentioned in reviews of the book]), p. 156, "Winnie McNeil" (1 text)
Roud #24330
Jerome Downey, "Winnie MacNeil" (on NFJDowney01)
NOTES [50 words]: Szwed: "The clandestine meeting in a nearby farmer's barn was dropped in later versions of the song. Although the song was Paulie's, the community remade it to their taste -- not a surprising occurrence from what we know of folksong transmission." In 1980 the verse was still in Downey's version. - BS
Last updated in version 3.6
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