Labrador Rose
DESCRIPTION: Singer walks out in summer and sees "a wild rose growing there on the mountain." "There's nothing around to compare with her beauty." "Labrador Rose... For the rest of my life I will stay here beside you."
AUTHOR: Dick Gardiner (according to Bennett/Downey-JeromeJustOneMoreSong and "Songs of Labrador")
EARLIEST DATE: 1980 (Bennett/Downey-JeromeJustOneMoreSong)
KEYWORDS: love beauty
FOUND IN: Canada(Newf)
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Bennett/Downey-JeromeJustOneMoreSong 1, pp. 59-60, "Labrador Rose" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: Songs of Labrador (Northwest River: Labrador East Integrated School Board, 1982), pp. 109-110, "Labrador Rose" (1 text) (1 tune)
Roud #24331
Jerome Downey, "Labrador Rose" (on NFJDowney01)
Hector MacIsaac and Jerome Downey, "Labrador Rose" (on NFHMacIsaac01)
File: BeDo059
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