Berkshire Lady's Garland, The
DESCRIPTION: The rich Berkshire Lady falls in love with a young man. Disguised, she demands that he either fight her or marry her. He decides to risk it in hopes that the girl is rich. They are married and live happily ever after
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1846 (Dixon-AncientPoemsBalladsSongsOfThePeasantryOfEngland)
KEYWORDS: love courting disguise marriage trick fight
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Dixon-AncientPoemsBalladsSongsOfThePeasantryOfEngland, Ballad #19, pp. 138-148, "The Berkshire Lady's Garland" (1 text)
Bell-Combined-EarlyBallads-CustomsBalladsSongsPeasantryEngland, pp. 310-317, "The Berkshire Lady's Garland" (1 text)
ST BeCo310 (Partial)
Roud #31423
File: BeCo310
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