Nancy B, The

DESCRIPTION: Recitation; the speaker, tired of lumber camps, signs on as cook of the lumber ship "Nancy B." They anchor in the bay. After only one lighter load, however, a storm comes up. The storm last 16 days; it's cold and hard to cook, but no one complains.
AUTHOR: Probably Marion Ellsworth
EARLIEST DATE: 1941 (Beck-SongsOfTheMichiganLumberjacks)
KEYWORDS: work cook sailor ship recitation storm
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Beck-SongsOfTheMichiganLumberjacks 102, "The 'Nancy B'" (1 text)
MidwestFolklore, David D. Anderson, "Songs and Sayings of the Lakes," Volume 12, Number 1 (Spring 1962) pp. 13-14, "The Nancy B." (1 text)

Roud #8883
NOTES [45 words]: This, like the other pieces probably written by Ellsworth, does not seem to have entered oral tradition. - PJS
Although, interestingly, Anderson at least implies that his version is from tradition. But that's only one collection, with the informant not identified. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.8
File: Be102

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