Paul Bunyan's Big Ox

DESCRIPTION: Recitation aboutPaul Bunyan's giant blue ox ("...every day for dinner/He would eat a ton of hay"; "This big blue ox weighed fourteen tons/And every time he'd bawl/The earth would shake... timber it would fall." The ox dies by breaking its neck
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1941 (Beck-SongsOfTheMichiganLumberjacks)
KEYWORDS: recitation talltale animal death
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Beck-SongsOfTheMichiganLumberjacks 97, "Paul Bunyan's Big Ox" (1 text)
Beck-LoreOfTheLumberCamps 46, "Paul Bunyan's Big Ox" (1 text)

Roud #4069
cf. "Paul Bunyan" (subject) and references there
cf. "The Derby Ram" (theme)
NOTES [24 words]: This recitation is item dC48 in Laws's Appendix II. For background (or, rather, speculation) about Paul Bunyan, see the notes to "Paul Bunyan." - RBW
Last updated in version 5.2
File: Be097

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