Week After the Fair (II), The
DESCRIPTION: The Fair has brought John and Meg to beggary's door. He reviews her escapades of drink and running around with other men. She says he ran around and pawned everything they owned. They agree to "tak' a drap and speak nae mair o' our faults at the Fair"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 19C (broadside, Murray Mu23-y1:047)
KEYWORDS: poverty infidelity drink dialog husband wife
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
Roud #5162
Murray, Mu23-y1:047, "The Week After The Fair" or "The Discontented Pair," James Lindsay Junr (Glasgow), 19C
NOTES [39 words]: Apparently broadside Bodleian, 2806 c.11(221), "The Week After the Fair" or "The Discontented Pair" ("I'm grieved to think my wife Meg, this day we are so poor"), unknown, no date is this song but I could not download and verify it. - BS
File: BdWAtF2
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