Old Gum-Diggers' Bar, The
DESCRIPTION: "We would roll our swags on Friday, Leaving shanties near and far," to "gather round the barrel In the old gumdiggers' bar." That was long ago, and the shanties are gone, but the singer still recalls singing -- and drinking -- at the old bar
AUTHOR: Words: Dennis Hogan (source: Bailey/Roth-ShantiesByTheWay-NZ)
EARLIEST DATE: 1962 (Hogan, Billy-Can Ballads, according to Bailey/Roth-ShantiesByTheWay-NZ)
KEYWORDS: drink music worker
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Bailey/Roth-ShantiesByTheWay-NZ, p. 146, "The Old Gum-Diggers' Bar" (1 text, tune referenced)
Garland-FacesInTheFirelight-NZ, pp. 246-247, ""(The Old Gumdiggers' Bar)" (1 text)
Colquhoun-NZ-Folksongs-SongOfAYoungCountry, p. 44, "Old Gumdiggers' Bar" (1 text, 1 modern tune which is not the tune intended by the author)
cf. "Clementine" (original tune, according to Colquhoun-NZ-Folksongs-SongOfAYoungCountry)
NOTES [16 words]: For background on the digging of kauri gum, see the notes to "The Old-Time Kauri Bushmen." - RBW
Last updated in version 4.4
File: BaRo146
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