Waitekauri Everytime!

DESCRIPTION: "There's a good old war-cry sounding, it hangs on every lip." Everywhere, you hear, "Waitekauri, Waitekauri, Waitekauri Everytime!" After the gold rush, the land and people of Waitekauri are utterly transformed
AUTHOR: Words: probably Edwin Edwards (source: Bailey/Roth-ShantiesByTheWay-NZ and Colquhoun, although attributed to W. W. Rowe in the first publication)
EARLIEST DATE: 1955 (Hauraki Plaines Gazette, according to Bailey/Roth-ShantiesByTheWay-NZ)
KEYWORDS: New Zealand gold home
1875 - Gold first found at Waitekauri
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Bailey/Roth-ShantiesByTheWay-NZ, pp. 67-69, "Waitekauri Everytime!" (1 text, 1 modern tune)
Colquhoun-NZ-Folksongs-SongOfAYoungCountry, p. 57, "Waitekauri Ev'rytime" (1 text, 1 "reconstructed" tune) (p. 35 in the 1972 edition)

NOTES [32 words]: This has been recorded by several New Zealand groups; Neil Colquhoun's recording, probably the earliest, is on the EP by Colquhoun and the Tamaki College Choir, "Folk Songs," Kiwi SEA 163. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.5
File: BaRo067

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