Unlucky Digger, The

DESCRIPTION: "We've been somehow left out in the cold In these new schemes of class legislation. We are unlucky diggers, we're told, Good for nothing but heavy taxation." The singer catalogs the troubles of his life and declares that diggers won't be oppressed
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1870 (Hokitika "Lantern," according to Bailey/Roth-ShantiesByTheWay-NZ)
KEYWORDS: mining hardtimes political nonballad
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Bailey/Roth-ShantiesByTheWay-NZ, p. 65, "The Unlucky Digger" (1 text)
NOTES [24 words]: As printed, this has no stanza divisions, and no tune is indicated; I strongly doubt that it was either a song or a traditional recitation. - RBW
Last updated in version 4.3
File: BaRo065

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