Last Great Round-Up, The
DESCRIPTION: "When I think of the last great roundup On the eve of eternity's dawn, I think of the past of the cowboys.... And I wonder if any will greet me On the sands of the evergreen shore." The singer warns of the trail to perdition and says to follow Jesus
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1931 (ArkansasWoodchopper)
KEYWORDS: cowboy religious warning
REFERENCES (2 citations):
ArkansasWoodchopper, pp. 50-51, "The Last Great Round-Up" (1 text, 1 tune)
Lomax/Lomax-AmericanBalladsAndFolkSongs, pp. 410-411, "The Cowboy's Dream" (1 text, tune referenced; this appears to combine "The Cowboy's Dream" and "The Last Great Round-Up")
Roud #4453
Arkansas Woodchopper [pseud. for Luther Ossenbrink] "The Cowboy's Dream" (Champion 15897 [as West Virginia Rail Splitter]/Supertone 9571, 1929; Gennett 7065, 1930)
cf. "The Cowboy's Dream" (subject)
NOTES [37 words]: This is identical in concept to "The Cowboy's Dream," and Roud appear to lump them. I would agree that this may well have been inspired by "The Cowboy's Dream." But the result is different enough that I've split them. - RBW
Last updated in version 5.2
File: ArWo050
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