Buying Land
DESCRIPTION: "I came out here two years ago... And as I'd been successful, Thinks I, I'll purchase land." Many selections are offered, and many seek to buy. The singer ends up paying a high price for land based on its description -- only to find it a worthless swamp
AUTHOR: probably Charles R. Thatcher (1831-1878)
EARLIEST DATE: 1857 (Thatcher's Colonial Songster, according to Ingleton)
KEYWORDS: commerce trick hardtimes
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Anderson-StoryOfAustralianFolksong, pp. 109-111, "Buying Land" (1 text, 1 tune)
Anderson-GoldrushSongster, pp. 73-75, "Buying Land" (1 text, 1 tune)
ADDITIONAL: Geoffrey C. Ingleton, _True Patriots All: or News from Early Australia as told in A Collection of Broadsides_ ("Garnered and Decorated" by Ingleton), Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1988, p. 257, "Buying Land" (1 text)
cf. "Sold!" (subject of buying a swamp)
cf. "Calder Fair" (tune)
NOTES [29 words]: For brief background on Charles Thatcher's career, see the notes to "Where's Your License?" For an extensive collection of his songs, see Anderson-StoryOfAustralianFolksong. - RBW
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File: AnSt109
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